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DIXIPI is the Go-To Global Open Access Platform for
Research Documents from Asia

DIXIPI has collaborated with a variety of partners and publishers around the globe. If you are looking to sell your content, be they journal articles, standards, conference papers, books, theses/dissertations, or other materials, we would be happy to hear from you!

Simply send us a descriptive message about your resources, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Enterprize Partners

Our enterprise partners are able to save time and accomplish their goals by working with us. Trust, reliability and a quick turnaround are the top qualities that keep our partners satisfied and engaged.



For libraries looking for scarce resources, we provide access to many online journals, newspapers, conference proceedings, books, theses/dissertations, standards, patents, and online databases, including Chōya Shinbun (1874-1901), Bakumatsu Meiji Shimbun Zenshu (from 1860-1870), Yūbin Hōchi Shinbun (1872-1894), People Data, and Science Daily (1986-Present).


Think Tanks & Intelligence Agents

If you are a think tank or an intelligence agent, we can provide you with the latest information, academic research, and intellectual property on topics as varied as emerging technology, economics, social policy, and national defense. Whether you are involved in policy advisory or important decision-making, our intelligence systems can provide you with the data and insights you need.


Medical & Technology

Our exclusive access to current healthcare research and medical trends can provide medical researchers with essential information in the medical field. Our publication, Science Daily (1986-present), is a preeminent source of science and technology news and the latest research coming from China.


Professional Organizations

Whatever your institutional niche, we offer a variety of materials, such as journal articles, conference papers, newspaper articles, theses, patents, standards, book chapters, and more to help you on your research journey.

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Send us a message with a proposal, and we’ll be in touch shortly!

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